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The Shift is the key object in the shiftings

Shift Data

A Shift contains information about:

  • Name - The name of the Shift
  • Organization - The Organization this shift is a part of. Every shift needs an organization.
  • Place - A Place is the free text location of the shift. If you are Advertising a Shift to an external person this can indicate a meeting spot for the beginning of a shift.
  • Shift Type - Type of the Shift. Types are predefined within your organization. Shifts are grouped by their types when calculating Shift participation statistics for an organization.
  • Start Time - The start time of the shift.
  • End Time - The end time of the shift.
  • Additional Infos - Additional Infos for the Shift. Communicate to your Members any additional Information for example when they should be there or where to meet.
  • Participants A List of Members in the Shift. Participants highlighted in orange are required to execute the shift task. Any White Participants are optional

Creating a Shift

A Shift can be created via the Organization Page or the Calendar view. In Calendar View you will have to hover over the desired Date and use the "Create Shift" Button to select your organization.

You can either create a Shift manually by filling out the Form or use a Shift template by using the "Create from Template" form. After clicking the respective "Create" Button the Shift(s) will be created.

Joining a Shift

You can join Shifts either on your personal Account, via the Organization or on the Shifts Detail Page.

Clicking Any of the "Add me" Buttons will add you to the Shifts participant List.

Any Participants highlighted in orange are required to execute the shift task.

Leaving a Shift

Leave a Shift by clicking your own Name (or others if you are permitted to).

Adding other People

An organization can decide to give People the Ability to add others to a shift. If you have the Permission you can use the "Add participant" Button on the shift detail Page.