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Shift Templates


Shift Templates are Groups of multiple Shifts that can be created together. This way you only need one Template per Event.

Creating a Shift Template

First you only need the basic Information:

  • Name - Name of the Template Group this is only for adding it to other objects.
  • Place - Where this Template Group should take Place. This will be added to Shifts
  • Start Time - Time from which on the Templates will be converted to Shifts

After Creating a Group you can add Shifts to the templates. Every Template needs:

  • Name - Name of the Shift as Presented to the Users
  • Shift Type - For grouping in the Shift Summary
  • Users - Required and maximum amount of users in the Shift. If Maximum is 0 any Number of People is allowed.
  • Time - A Start Delay will be Added to the Start Time configured in the Group. The Duration is Applied on top of that. A Shift Template with a start time of 1pm, a delay of 1h and a duration of 1h will therefore last from 2pm to 3pm. You can add multiple Shift templates at once. If you want to delete a Template ist will be marked as to delete and removed once you save.
  • Additional Infos - Additional Infos will be displayed in every Shift.